Getting Started

Application development guidelines

Development Process

Register for a Vendors developer account to configure and setup the details for your applications which provide access to:

  • Customisation of applications customer-facing information.

  • Application Credentials which are required to publish, such as:

    • App Token

    • App Secret Code

    • App Code

    • App unique URL

  • Access to Masterdata & Transactional data permissions.

  • Configuration of application type, context, licensing, pricing and more.

  • Publication of applications onto the IndustryApps store.

The application to be published on the IndustryApps platform has the option to integrate AAS & Submodel data which is collected by IndustryApps from its users to be utilised for application solutions.

  • AAS & Submodel data

    • Available by accessing Masterdata and Transactional data endpoints.

  • Accessing Endpoints

    • Require Application credentials such as App Token, App Secret Code, AppCode & User Token.

  • Postman

    • Endpoints behaviour can be observed through the IndustryApps Postman collection or by navigating to Testing.

Externally hosted applications such as SaaS or other, can be connected to the IndustryApps platform by Eureka Service Discovery. Connection through Eureka are available through two options:

  • Configuring & Integrating Eureka endpoints (Some app modification may be required).

  • Utilising the Pre-defined Sidecar

    • Addition of the Sidecar does not require any changes to an existing application, simply adding the Sidecar on your dedicated docker-compose.yml file with the required app credentials or utilising the available Sidecar executable.

Publish the application through the Vendor Developer dashboard, once the application status has been approved and all required information has been submitted the app will be available for testing and production deployment.

Get started by reviewing the fundamentals or jumping straight into integrating Platform available data and publishing onto the IndustryApps.


Last updated