Single Sign-On
Last updated
Last updated
Single Sign-on is currently being upgraded, additional features will continue to be implemented.
SSO Authentication, in collaboration with IndustryApps, allows users to access authorised only application resources by integrating IndustryApps login single sign-on into your application. The feature can be integrated as an addition to your externally hosted application's currently held single sign-on options.
Once SSO is set up, third-party app users can sign into IndustryApps and access their resources without requiring an additional sign-in. SSO redirects to the IndustryApps login portal, requesting the users' credentials such as username and password, which gives users access to their authentication restricted resources.
Single Sign-on does not grant permissions for applications for Data Integration. To utilise Masterdata, Transactional data and Submodel data please see Data Integration.
The upcoming examples illustrates how SSO can be integrated within your applications' code with IndustryApps SSO in the following technologies.
Configure and Utilise Client-side Applications such as:
Accept JWT with Server-side Applications such as:
Java Spring 5
Python Django
To utilize SSO the following credentials are required to be implemented in your application configuration:
For Development purposes please utilise the UAT environment URI available below:
For Production, please utilise the environment URI available below:
Each Application which utilises Single Sign-on will be provided a dedicated ClientID during onboarding which acknowledges access.
Redirect URI
The application will require a redirect URI to navigate back after authentication has been completed. The structure of the URI should be implemented as seen below.
Deployment will contain the environment URI of the platform customer portal instead of the demo-customer portal.
Client Secret
If your application is currently utilizing an identity and access management service provider which requires a client secret, use the client secret code available on your Platform Dashboard. By default it is not required.
Metadata URL
In cases such as an identity provider requiring a .well-known/openid-configuration
URL please use the following credential:
For development purposes please utilise the UAT environment URI available below:
For deployment, please utilise the environment URI available below: