How to integrate Single Sign-on with Angular and Java Spring 5 frameworks
The following example illustrates how SSO can be integrated within your applications' code. The example shows how would an application using Angular enable the SSO feature via OpenID-Connect.
Angular Guide for SSO OpenID-Connect
This Angular guide requires the following dependency via npm:
Run in terminal:
npm install angular-oauth2-oidc --save
Add an environment.ts file to your project directory. This will contain the required credentials to connect to IndustryApps Keycloak OpenID-Connect.
exportconstenvironment= { production:true, envName:'local', keycloak: {// Url of the Identity Provider issuer:'',// URL of the SPA to redirect the user to after login (Development Env) redirectUri:'<APPCODE>/',// The SPA's id. // The SPA is registerd with this id at the auth-serverß clientId:'APPID', responseType:'code',// set the scope for the permissions the client should request// The first three are defined by OIDC. scope:'openid profile email',// Remove the requirement of using Https to simplify the demo// THIS SHOULD NOT BE USED IN PRODUCTION// USE A CERTIFICATE FOR YOUR IDP// IN PRODUCTION requireHttps:false,// at_hash is not present in JWT token showDebugInformation:true, disableAtHashCheck:true }};
Include an authconfig sub-directory in your project directory. Create an authconfig.module.ts file which initialises an oauth2-oidc module as illustrated below:
Add an auth.config.ts file in the authconfig sub-directory. auth.config.ts would utilise the environment variables configured in the environment.ts file made previously.
import { AuthConfig } from'angular-oauth2-oidc';import { environment } from'../../environments/environment';exportconstauthConfig:AuthConfig= {// Url of the Identity Provider issuer:environment.keycloak.issuer,// URL of the SPA to redirect the user to after login redirectUri:environment.keycloak.redirectUri,// The SPA's id. // The SPA is registerd with this id at the auth-serverß clientId:environment.keycloak.clientId, responseType:environment.keycloak.responseType,// set the scope for the permissions the client should request// The first three are defined by OIDC. scope:environment.keycloak.scope,// Remove the requirement of using Https to simplify the demo// THIS SHOULD NOT BE USED IN PRODUCTION// USE A CERTIFICATE FOR YOUR IDP// IN PRODUCTION requireHttps:environment.keycloak.requireHttps,// at_hash is not present in JWT token showDebugInformation:environment.keycloak.showDebugInformation, disableAtHashCheck:environment.keycloak.disableAtHashCheck};exportclassOAuthModuleConfig { resourceServer:OAuthResourceServerConfig= {sendAccessToken:false};}exportclassOAuthResourceServerConfig {/** * Urls for which calls should be intercepted. * If there is an ResourceServerErrorHandler registered, it is used for them. * If sendAccessToken is set to true, the access_token is send to them too. */ allowedUrls?:Array<string>; sendAccessToken =true;customUrlValidation?: (url:string) =>boolean;}
Add an auth-config.service.ts file to the authconfig sub-directory which sets up OAuthService. auth-config.service.ts initialises a login page if authorisation is required otherwise initialises the app instance.
A full main.ts file example is illustrated below, given you've designated both an version and environment.ts file in an environments sub-directory.