Deploy an App with Eureka

Build an App under 5 minutes.

This guide helps you in creating your first application with IndustryApps AppStore.

Before creating the application you need to complete the registration step as explained under Register developer account.

How to develop an application

The application tutorial here is only to provide you a quick approach to create a simple hello world application using Eureka and view it inside IndustryApps. It would give you a quick understanding on the business model by utilising the Eureka Service Discovery.

# Step 1 Creating node application

npm init -y

# Step 2 Implementing basic requirements

# Step 2.1 Adding Dependencies

npm install eureka-js-client express nodemon --save

  • eureka-js-client to implement registry sync

  • express as application server

  • nodemon to react with changes without reloading

# Step 2.2 Creating basic server and implementing application registry sync

'use strict';

const express = require('express');
const Eureka = require('eureka-js-client').Eureka;
const APP_HOST = process.env.APP_HOST;
const APP_PORT = process.env.APP_PORT;
const app = express();

// example configuration
const client = new Eureka({
    // application instance information
    instance: {
        app: `${APPLICATION_CODE}`,
        hostName: APP_HOST,
        ipAddr: APP_HOST,
        statusPageUrl: `http://${APP_HOST}:${APP_PORT}`,
        vipAddress: `${APPLICATION_CODE}`,
        port: {
            $: APP_PORT,
            '@enabled': 'true',
        dataCenterInfo: {
            '@class': '$DefaultDataCenterInfo',
            name: 'MyOwn',
        registerWithEureka: true,
        fetchRegistry: true,
    eureka: {
        // eureka server host / port
        host: APP_REGISTRY_HOST,
        port: APP_REGISTRY_PORT,
        servicePath: '/eureka/apps/',

client.start(error => {
    console.log(error || 'NodeJS Started!');
    app.get('/', (req, res) => {
        res.sendFile(__dirname + '/index.html', err => console.log);

app.listen(APP_PORT, APP_HOST);
console.log(`Running on http://${APP_HOST}:${APP_PORT}`);

# Step 2.3 Adding theming and basic components

    <title>Sample App</title>
    <link href="/dam/public/iapp-ui-styles/v.1.0.0/main.css">
    <script src="/dam/public/iapp-generics/v.1.0.1/iapp-generics.js"></script>
        <iapps-module name="basic"></iapps-module>
    <div class="content-area bg-grey">
        <h1>Hello from sample app</h1>

Following urls /dam/public/iapp-ui-styles/v.1.0.0/main.css and/dam/public/iapp-generics/v.1.0.1/iapp-generics.js will be resolved when you access the application via local gateway.

# Step 3 Packing as Docker image

FROM node:carbon

# create the app directory for inside the Docker image
WORKDIR /usr/src/app

# install app dependencies from the package.json (and the package-lock.json)
COPY package*.json ./

RUN npm install

# bundle app source inside Docker image
COPY . .

# expose port 8080 to have it mapped by Docker daemon

# define the command to run the app (it's the npm start script from the package.json)
# npm start
CMD [ "npm", "start" ]

# Step 4 Access platform with credentials

When accessing the URL of the platform provided by the team you will find a screen like below.

When clicking on the menu item

you will be redirected to your app. Screenshot based on above snippet is given below.

Last updated